2021-2022 PTO Committee

Current Families are welcome to join our PTO Committee!

WVCA’s PTO will meet monthly to plan fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and play dates for current students. All current families are welcome to join! If you are interested in joining this year’s PTO Committee, please fill out the form below. Thank you to Molly C. and Tiffany S. for serving as our PTO leads this year!

Paper Sign-Up Form: Click Here

Online Sign-Up Form: Click Here

PTO Volunteer Responsibilities Overview:

  • Participate in monthly PTO meetings
  • Help organize PTO fundraisers throughout the year to benefit WVCA
  • Responsible for organizing student and family “play dates”
  • Volunteer at WVCA sponsored events (i.e. Trunk or Treat, Kindergarten Chaperons, etc.)
  • Opportunity to participate in periodic school-wide volunteer clean-up’s
  • Assist with WVCA’s standing fundraising committees for the Annual Gala and Walk-A-Thon
  • And much more!

Questions? Please reach out to Christine Meluskey at cmeluskey@wvcakids.org or 570-714-1246.